Friday 21 October 2011


(From left to right) 'Wind Swept Shroom' £19.99 & 'Mushroom1' £10.00
Ben has a brilliant range of carved mushrooms that look great in gardens, around ponds, on patios or anywhere that needs more of a focal point. He can also add lights that eminate an atmospheric glow from beneath their caps, perfect to light up garden paths or gateways for example.

(Mushroom in foreground, 'Rustic Shroom' £19.99
Others range from £8-£15 each)

'Spiral Shroom' £26- SOLD

'Yew Shroom' Rare wood £65 with shy friends £8-£20
Dapple Shroom £20
Doodle dee& Doodle dum £15 for the pair
Grandad Shroom With lights under cap £32
Sycamore Shroom. Set of 3. Similar sizes £20
Morning Sun cluster. £20 - £35 each
Shroom in grass £8

'Grand Yew Shroom' £

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